Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Forty Three Women in 21 Days

Yes, that is the target that he is aiming for. And he is a virgin right now too.
So today we put our new ram in with his ewes. He has 21 days to do his stuff and then we back him up with another ram. The reason we do this is firstly, in case he is firing blanks, and secondly, in case he misses out on any ewes.
So anyway me and my mate Kyle were trimming the ewes feet, and men being men, we were discussing how we would get on faced with the same challenge, but with women not ewes you dirty minded sods. Kyle reckoned he could maybe get half way through the second day no problem. And of course I was thinking, two women a day for three weeks - I'd better take my computer or a good book to help fill in all the spare time.


  1. "we back him up with another ram."
    Please explain which of the seven possible interpretations of that statement is the correct one.

  2. i too was wondering what kind of prison movie you were trying to evoke with that statement.

  3. Tom, it has been a day. How far did you get?

  4. I feel sorry for the ewes who have to wait 21 days to get the ram that knows what he's doing, or at least compare notes.

    Why don't you put both rams in to start with? Give those poor girls a choice!

  5. Vicus, first day completed successfully. Still feeling quite chipper but need a good supper to keep my strength up.

    Ziggi, no can do with the two rams - we have to stick to one ram as far as posible to maintain a uniform type in the flock. Also the gene pool of this breed is very small so it is good to limit use of rams to one a year.

  6. It's always a good thing to have a backup ram.

  7. words to live by, carmentza.

  8. Yeah but, if you're going to put the other ram in anyway how will you actually know which ram rammed which?

  9. Ziggi, any lambs born in the first three weeks will be by the original ram. When we put the second ram in we will put some colour on his chest so then we can see if he gets any ewes because they will have colour on their backs.

  10. Tom. I always thought that was a tattoo on your back.

  11. Yes Vicus, and I am happy for the world to continue believing that.

  12. Umm, am I the only one who suspects that just because you have color on your back doesn't necessarily mean the second ram really "got" you?

  13. Carmy, you sweet innocent little american gal - I love ya.

  14. Does anyone else notice that on some blogs, but on Tom's in particular, the comment count gets stuck.
    This thread has shown a count of only 3 comments for a couple of days.
    It is almost as if someone has programmed it with the firm conviction that there could never be more than 3 idiots joining in a discussion about all of this crap.

  15. Maybe they know more than we think they do.

  16. Vicus, I've just checked back. There were only three idiots commenting.

  17. hey you poophead, im tellin you called me a, thing.
    um, where wa...?

    i like sandwiches!

  18. Blimey. This nobbing lark is quite complicated when it comes to sheep, isn't it? What with dyes and types and wotnot... unlike Cherry, I'm glad I'm not a sheep.

  19. I just came by to snicker at the inmates Tom. You never fail to entertain me (and you too crabby pants!)

  20. Come on, Tom. It's been 7 days, that equates to about 14 women you should have shagged. What is your tally now?

  21. Vicus, you know how it is - you just lose count after a while. I find its best to concentrate on the two a day rather than look at the whole picture. That way I can focus more on the job in hand and also avoid getting over-excited by what lies up ahead.

  22. Tommy dear, are we done yet/

  23. 2 a day and a job in hand.
    Very impressive.

  24. Pammy babe, I'm only messing about, like men do babe, honest I love you most of all, you know that.

    Vicus, you are a disgusting, filthy, dirty minded old man. How on earth can you live with yourself.

  25. So what is the gestation period for sheep? How soon do they give birth?

  26. Tommy, I had a dream about you. It was so odd. You called me on the phone but you wouldn't talk.

  27. Babe, like I'd do that to you. But I am a bit shy with beautiful girls so maybe....
