Yes folks, make of that title what you will.
Some tosser broke one of my gateposts and at last I've got around to making a start on replacing it. Some of you may know that ideally one third of the gate post should be underground, so I'm looking to dig down about 2'9". I've got to about 2' and sod me, I've hit a huge lump of granite that seems to be connected to the earth's core. So now I have to initiate Plan B, which is use concrete to set the post in. I hate doing this for three reasons, I have to go into town to get the sand, chippings and cement, it costs money, and it is environmentally not the best thing to do.
I know on the great scale of things whether I go get and use a small bag of cement or not is neither here nor there, but my efforts to minimise my carbon footprint have become a habit with me now. It feels good that I am concious of my actions in this way.
Go for it everyone, especially you yanks - the planet is a beautiful place and we should look after it for our grandchildren's children.
The Royal Year 2024
1 month ago